These days, because of economic situation of our country, importation is profitable, which is not in production. Because of this reason lots of economical activities are leading to import instead of producing and so many of factories and manufactories are closed or are going to be closed. In this situation, lots of trading companies are established and they are using this economical situation.
Unfortunately in some parts, importation causes bad effects such as closing producing factories and being failed against of their chinese competitors.
Nevertheless, manager attitude in Noavaran Axis Company develops and increases production process in our country and removes producing obstacles.
In no manner, there isn't any profitability attitude in this company. Hereof, Noavaran Axis Company is activate in technical trading and tries to remove obstacles of internal manufacturers as far as possible. In many cases, the company is also providing technical and administrative advice to customers.
In addition, this company introduces resources and internal production facilities to customers as a replacement for import.
On the other hand, Noavaran Axis Company has been active in the export of domestic products and therefore provides a valueable service to domestic producers.
This is also deficiencies that exist in our country not to help domestic production. Because of some complex problems, manufacturers generally do not attempt to export, although in some cases, it is possible economically. The company by having representatives in some Asian, European and American countries is able to have marketing power, offering products and perform all administrative tasks and financial affairs.